3 year old tooth decay treatment

3 year old tooth decay treatment

Tooth decay happens when the tooth enamel breaks down as a result of an attack by bacteria and other factors. Oral health is vital for the maintenance of healthy teeth and general body wellness since the mouth is the gateway to other body parts. It is essential to ensure that the teeth are clean at least twice per meal to prevent attack by bacteria that remains on the enamel. Teeth problem does not only affect adults, but it also affects children under the age of five years. If you have dental problems for your children, you can visit Children’s dental emergency for treatment.

Causes of tooth decay in children

Children are more prone to the risk of tooth decay than adults because their enamel is soft and thinner. Tooth decay happens when bacteria attacks the enamel causing the breakdown of the hard outer cover of the tooth. When foods rich in carbohydrates such as bread, cakes, cereals are left on the teeth, the bacteria will act on these food remains on the teeth. Bacteria present in the mouth will convert these food remains into acids. The bacteria will then combine with saliva, acid and the food continues to form a substance known as plaque that will stick to the teeth. Within a short time, the acids made by the bacteria will act on the tooth enamel causing cavities.

Symptoms and symptoms of tooth decay in children

  • A dull white substance on tooth surface near the gum line that goes undetected
  • A yellow or brown material close to the gum line that indicates progression to decay
  • Teeth with brown, black stumps in children

Three-year-old teeth decay treatment

3 year old tooth decay treatmentThe treatment option of a 3-year-old child will be dependent on the child’s symptoms, the overall health of the child and the severity of the condition. Dental treatment procedures involve the removal of decayed tooth parts and replacement through a filling procedure.

The following filling options are available for a 3-year-old tooth decay treatment

  • Fluoride treatment whereby the fluoride gel is used to cover the affected areas and reverse the effect of decay
  • Fillings – In this procedure the rotten part is removed and filled with ceramic resin. It is used in filling the cavities that have passed the first stage.
  • Root canals-Root canal procedure involves the removal of infected part of the tooth
  • Crowns – In this procedure, the rotten portion is removed and filled with the recommended filling materials
  • Tooth extraction – Tooth extraction can also be made if the tooth has been severely damaged.

Prevention of teeth decay in a child

You can help to prevent tooth decay in your child by

  • Observing good feeding habits
  • Avoiding sugary foods
  • Regularly brushing your child’s teeth
  • A regular dental check-up with the dentist

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